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Humic acid liquid NPK fertilizer

Humic acid liquid NPK fertilizer


Humic  Acid liquid NPK Fertilizer Nitrogen Phosphorus Potassium

AppearanceBrown LiquidBrown LiquidPass
P2O5 content≥30g/L≥30g/LPass
K2O content≥70g/L≥70g/LPass
N content≥100.0g/L≥100.0g/LPass
Humic acid≥30.0g/L≥30.0g/LPass
organic matter≥80.0g/L80.0g/LPass

Usage and dosage:

Fruit trees: drip irrigation 150kg/Ha, once every 8-10 days Vegetables: 

drip irrigation 75kg/ha, once every 8-10 days, Foliar spraying: 600-800 times dilution.

Using effect:

1. Promote the growth and development of crops, and promote the expansion of fruits; 

2. Accelerate plant growth and promote chlorophyll synthesis 

3. Increase the content of organic matter in soil, 

4. Supplement a large number of elements required by plants

Packaging specification:1000L drum;200 L drum; 500L drum;1L drum; 5 kg drum; 10kg drum;etc

Delivery time:15-20days after receiving deposit