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Microbial fertilizers

1. What are the types of microbial fertilizers?

"Bacterial fertilizer" in a broad sense includes bio-organic fertilizer (executive standard NY884-2012), compound microbial inoculant (executive standard NY/T798-2004), microbial inoculant (GB20287-2006), bio-organic fertilizer and compound microbial inoculant The standard functional bacteria content is 20 million/g, and the functional bacteria content of microbial inoculants is 200 million/g.

2. Microbial fertilizer function

1).Promote the decomposition of soil organic matter and minerals; promote the dissolution and release of nutrients of insoluble (phosphorus, calcium, zinc, boron) compounds to promote root absorption;

2). Improve the physical properties, aggregate structure, and air permeability of the soil - making it Soft, retain fertilizer and water, improve soil buffering capacity, fix nitrogen, and improve fertilizer utilization; 

3). Secrete antibiotics, inhibit the reproduction of harmful microorganisms, prevent and reduce the occurrence of soil-borne diseases; 

4) Soil purifier; 

5). Coordinate and secrete auxin, Stimulate root growth, nourish roots, mulch roots, and strengthen trees. This process requires microbial activities to act on the root system (obvious rooting in the short term is often caused by the action of exogenous hormones).

     Plant growth has a certain cycle and pattern. If you are eager for success and abuse a large amount of plant growth regulators, it will inevitably cause the disorder of plant endogenous hormones and cause irreparable losses. Microbial bacterial fertilizer is not equal to rooting fertilizer, and fast rooting bacterial fertilizer is not equal to good bacterial fertilizer.

3. How to choose microbial fertilizer

1)Look at the implementation standards: NY884-2012, NYT798-2004 (bio-organic fertilizer, compound microbial inoculant), GB20287-2006 (microbial inoculant).

2)Three elements of bacterial fertilizer: bacteria organic matter raw material technology.

    When choosing microbial fertilizer, first check whether it complies with GB20287, whether it has a registration certificate from the Ministry of Agriculture, the type and activity of beneficial bacteria, etc. It is recommended to choose authentic microbial fertilizer that is effective and meets national standards.



Contact: Juan Guo

Phone: +86-159 7210 5223


Add: No. 3 Guanggu Avenue, East Lake High-Tech Development Zone,Wuhan, Hubei Province,China